Friday, 18 December 2009

Initial ideas mind map with lyrics:

Zeros and ones lyrics with initial ideas:

Four years and a handful of songs
Writing on paper and acrunching it up/ lying on floor covered in scrunched up paper.

Still I don’t know my rights from my wrongs
Right hand has hand written on it, left hand has wrong written on it.

As we rise all the melodies rise and fall
Equalizer top

Friendly faces are seen at the back
Walking in built up area, other people sped up indicates he is left behind.

Is it only ambition I lack?
Walking in built up area, other people sped up indicates he is left behind.

Maybe all of this reading would help me try
Reading in built up area on bench.

Cuz every end has a brand new start
Sitting in middle of road, playing guitar and singing (cars and people sped up).

So why does it feel like I’m falling apart
Close up on face singing words.

All of the zeros and ones play a part
Goes from sitting down in the middle of the road to standing up and playing guitar whilst walking with the other people.

No sound when the lights have gone out
Black paper held over camera.

Above them are the screams and the shouts
Walking in field singing.

All the melodies fading away to dark
Walking in field singing.

Same name for a different thing
Use road name sign.

Same prayer for the trouble it brings
Walking playing guitar in counrtyside area.

The lights are on but the diamonds are in the dark
Walking playing guitar in counrtyside area.

When every road ends up no where
Reaches end of a road, then realises there is another turning.

Why do I bother and why should I care?
Close up on face singing words.

All of the zeros and ones will be there
Standing in middle of empty road, then a group of people walk upto join him.

Standing in a queue were waiting
Walking in line down a road with people behind him, playing guitar and singing.

Knowing that the well has all run dry
Stops at crossing and everyone forms a line beside him.

Climbing up the walls where we could fly
Ges on wall and does titanic pose, track around him.

Dreaming of another sunset
Shot of sunsetting on an English beach.

Gather round the fire and sing along
People round a campfire on the beach.

Trying to make sense of rights and wrongs
Close up on face singing words.

Love tears us apart
Standing looking up at the sunset.

A joy division starts
Walks towards beach.

The zeros and ones all sing
Close up of people by campfire and him singing the words.

Every end has a brand new start X 12
Walking down to certain part of the beach, then right at the end falls gracefully backwards into the sea in a Jesus pose.

Jenna logging off

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

The Fray- you found me

What we like about this video, is mainly the use of many different locations, which arn't usual places for a band to be playing or singing. We also liked the use of lighting in this video however we think for our video we would rather use natural lighting for most of it and only if the lighting is too dark we will use lights of our own.

The Spice Girls- two become one

What we like about this video is when the cars are going faster than the people are. We were thinking about using this in our video to convey the meaning that the world is moving to fast and he is not keeping up. Which fits with the meaning of the song which is that the snger isn't happy in where he is in life.

The Kooks- Ooh la

What we liked about this video was the appearance of the video, the fact that the video was made up of black and white and old fashioned camera effects. I decided to mimic this in my video, because the meaning of the song, is that the singer feels as if he is not where he wants to be in life, and feels out of place, therefore using the black and white/ old fashioned camera effects compliment the meaning of the song, by also being slightly out of place compared to what you would expect from a song made in this day and age.

Jenna logging off

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Pop powerpoint presentation

We made a powerpoint presentation about pop music and how it has changed from the 1950's to the 2000's. Through doing this we saw how the genre of pop music has many codes and conventions that have changed and mutated over the years - for instance the style of clothing that pop bands used to wear eg. The Beatles wore suits in their early album covers. This has greatly changed to pop bands nowadays wearing less formal clothing and brighter colours. However some codes and conventions have stayed the same - for example, dance routines were and still are a big factor that helps an audience to recognise a pop band, even Abba in the 70's moved in time with the music and each other. Now in 2009 girl bands such as Girls Aloud are still using dance routines in their music videos to attract an audience of both teenage girls and their male counterparts. Researching for this presentation helped us to realise we need to consider all the expected codes and conventions for an audience watching a video in our chosen genre - folk/indie.

Caroline and Jenna logging off

Friday, 2 October 2009

Profile of main singer

Name: Adam Messeder
Age: 21

We chose Adam to be the main singer of our band and feature in our music video because we thought his face and build fitted the voice of original artist. He also fitted the image we both pictured the original singer to look like. His style of fashion and his physique match the type of singer notable associated with the genre of music we are using for our video. He fits all of the characteristics that you would expect from the lead singer of our band, he is young, good looking, strong and well built. He is the 'everyman', that 'normal' men can aspire to be like, and women can swoon over. He is a young male, however he is older than the age of the target market that the band and the single would be aimed at.
He looks as though he would be quite an approachable person. He also appears to be the kind of character who couldn't be changed by fame, or believe that they are above others that because they are in the limelight, unlike more egotistical artists such as Marilyn Manson, Kanye West and Lady Gaga, who not only in appearance but in personalities too, seem to think that because they have acheived 'fame', with that they achieve a status above their fans.
He has a very 'guy next door', 'down to earth' feel to him. This in itself makes him more likeable to both sexes, and people from all classes of society, especially the working class, can strongly relate to him. Working class people will respect him and aspire to achieve what he has, as he has worked his way up from a working class background, proving it isn't impossible for someone from a working class family to become more than that.
Our song/band could be described as being part of a folk/indie sub-genre. The song is very minimalistic, meaning it is not over edited with over the top special effects, which would suggest the main singer and the band too would be minimalistic, and dress and look how they want to.

Caroline logging off