Thursday 7 January 2010

These are the four things that we learnt that stuck out for us whilst filming and editing the Britney and fast/ slow sequences...

While filming the Britney video we learnt that to get all the shots we needed of every angle of the same actions, we needed more than one camera rolling at the same time so all of our shots would fit together.
Also we had some problems with continuity so we learnt to make sure people were in the same places wearing the same stuff all the time.

Whilst filming for the fast/ slow sequences we realised that you may think you have enough footage but you will never have enough and you will always need to film more than once.
In the case of lighting you will most likely need to bring your own just in case the lighting isn't adequite where you are filming or it is not the right time of day that you wanted to film in.

Jenna logging off

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